Aligning minds: The Law of Attraction fuels brand growth.

Aligning minds: The Law of Attraction fuels brand growth.

What is your brand’s frequency? 

No, I am not talking about the number of times your ads are seen or heard. I’m talking about the Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe—including a brand—is in a constant state of movement. These movements are referred to as vibrations. The speed or rate at which something vibrates is called frequency. So, in terms of similar brands, for example, banks & credit unions, the only difference between brand A and brand B is the rate of its vibration. 

Are you with me so far? 

Today, every single human being is saturated with literally thousands of brand messages coming before our eyes, ears, noses, and fingertips every day! To make matters worse for a brand, the glut of technology options has completely muddied the waters forcing even the most adept marketers to play somewhat of a “guessing game.” 

This is where brand frequency comes in. This is where your brand can break free of the noise and rise above your competition.

If your brand’s vibrations are purposefully set high, or even a little bit higher, you can attract your brand to what you want it to be in harmony with and ultimately manifest success. So, if you’re trying to attract a specific audience to your brand, you must set your vibrations to that audience.

How? This is a conscious decision, not a marketing technique. It’s a brand mindset that every member of your organization must be in concert with—on the same frequency. When you collectively set goals and visualize the brand reaching those goals—and owning that space—growth and abundance will occur. That’s The Law of Attraction.

Let’s use an example of a bank. Umpqua Bank, “The World’s Greatest Bank.” Sure, this was a catchy tagline. But at the time, then-CEO, Ray Davis, felt that if the Bank could live up to this message, the brand would be at a much higher frequency than the competition, thus reducing them to just noise and ultimately surpassing them in every way. He was right. 

Today, Umpqua Bank has been recognized for its innovative customer experience and banking strategy by national publications including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, and CNBC,  and was recently named Oregon’s Most Admired Financial Services Company with assets over $30 billion.

Though brand frequency and The Law of Vibration sound great on paper, it is important to work with a resource that is already at a higher vibration. Use an advertising agency’s strategic creativity to help guide you to new heights—to soar above your competition—and break free of all the noise. This is how your goals move into form. 

It’s not about having the cleverest TV ad or the most likes on a social post. It’s far bigger than that. If you take your brand seriously and your brand’s success as your top priority, consider your brand’s frequency. What is your vibration? Where are you? Where should you be? How can you get there? 

The process is as exciting as the outcome.

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Powerful marketing: Connect with your audience by understanding their brand psychology and persona.

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